Jon Schafer is a designer, art director and illustrator working under the moniker Why, Hello There.

Oregon Metro

Metro is a unique form of regional government at work here in Oregon; serving 3 counties, 24 cities, and over 1.5 million people, Metro manages land use and development, waste management and recycling, natural areas, parks, and trails, and popular visitor venues like the Oregon Zoo. Yet despite their crucial role, a solid majority of Metro’s residents are completely unaware of their existence. Which is why Metro hired Owen Jones to completely rethink and overhaul their identity.

I worked closely with the small team at Owen as we immersed ourselves in the many aspects of the project; historical research, strategic planning, naming explorations, an audit of visual assets, and a survey of Metro’s communications opportunities.

My role on the project was finished before the final mark was chosen (and it turned out fantastic), but I am quite proud of the work I contributed. If nothing else, these explorations provide a glimpse into the tireless process of iteration and refinement required to create great work.

Art Direction
Work completed while at Owen Jones
Creative Direction, Peter Dean & Tess Donohoe
Copywriting, Jennie Hayes
Design, Mette Hornburg-Rankin
The initial round looked the current brand landscape, from colors, to competitors to ubiquity of the word "Metro."
Playing with the companies initials and abstracted forms of nature.